
If you are a varsity cheerleader or have been in cheerleading for any amount of time, you likely have been to a cheer competition or twelve. The next time you attend one of these exciting events, look at how many cheerleading squads have a participant who is wearing some sort of brace or other medical device. We all know that while participating in cheer is fun, competitive, and can help you make some terrific friends, accidents and injuries can happen at almost any moment. The best thing you can do is get in physical condition to help prevent injuries. Strains, in particular, can be minimized through strength training and proper conditioning. The better shape you are in, the better your chances of avoiding injuries. You also want to stretch and warm up before practices and competitions. But you know what? Even the athletes who are in amazing condition and properly warmed up can get injured. If it happens to you, you will want to know what you are up against and how to take care of yourself. Concussion – A concussion is sometimes referred to as a mild traumatic

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As cheerleaders, we all love a little glitter. After all, every varsity cheerleader knows the phrase, "glitter in my veins, hairspray in my lungs, but what matters most is cheer in my heart!" Glitter is often the defining part of our competition makeup. However, experience has shown that there is a time and place for glitter. Read on to discover when to use it and when to let it sit a round out. When to Use Glitter For Competition Cheerleading Makeup Glitter can often add a touch of bold and a little bit of sexy to our competition makeup. Here are a few pointers on when you should use it: Use team colored glitter on your eyes. -- Want to make your eyes stand out in a striking fashion? Try a little glitter on your eyes. Make sure to apply a mixture of team colors to your upper lid. However, use only a dash of one color below your eye. Too much glitter on the lower lid will make your eyes appear heavy, rather than stunning. Skip your eyes and try glitter on your lips. -- If you have a particularly stunning smile

Cheerleading is a rigorous, demanding sport that requires intense dedication. That means you have to practice routines and engage in strength and flexibility training everyday. But being a star varsity cheerleader requires more than being able to balance on top of a pyramid or perform a perfect split, it also requires eating a balanced diet. The importance of a balanced diet for a varsity cheerleader: Nutrition is key to a healthy mind, body and spirit. No matter how many miles you run each day, how many jumping jacks you can do in a row, or how often you take a yoga class, if you’re eating fast food and other junk food and not getting enough of the good stuff in life, like fruits and veggies, chances are you’re not reaching your optimum athletic peak. Physical exercise absolutely has to be accompanied by a balanced diet to reach a state of total physical health and peak performance. And this goes for everyone on the cheerleading squad since you rely on one another to be the best cheerleading squad in your town, state, or even in the nation! What should

Everyone knows how important grades and academic success are when it comes to college applications. You're probably aware that sports involvement and other extracurricular activities can look great on your college application, but you might not know how to highlight your involvement in cheerleading. Whether you're planning to continue cheering in college or not, your participation and dedication to your squad can be integral to showing college admissions just how versatile and hard working you are outside of the classroom. Highlighting Your Cheer Achievements: Cheerleading is a huge commitment of time and energy, and shouldn't go unmentioned on your college applications. They're looking to get a fuller picture of you as a student and person. Your participation in a cheerleading squad is a great way to show them your work ethic, time management skills, and community involvement. Here are some things to consider including in your application that apply to your cheer experience: Leadership Roles. If you've held the position of