Are You Taking On Too Much?


Being a member of a cheerleading squad is a huge commitment. You have to give time, energy, and a great attitude to practicing and performing day after day. Whether you are a varsity cheerleader or part of a performing cheerleading squad, knowing when you’re overcommitted, or taking on too much, is really important. Some people push themselves way too far, which can affect not only your cheerleading performance, but even your everyday life. When you’ve taken on too much, other things slip - even stuff you care about. You may find yourself with less time for studying, friends, and yes, even cheering. Of course, everybody reacts differently to having too much on their plate. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to see if you might have a little too much on my plate: Am I having fun? When someone is taking on too much, they will often no longer enjoy their activity. You might find yourself resenting cheerleading practice or even your friends for taking up too much of your time. Part of the lack of enjoyment might come from not 100% “being there.” For example, if you know you have a ton of homework and a big test and a sleepover, your mind may not be focused on cheerleading practice all the way - which can make it way less fun. And of course when you’re distracted, you may be more likely to make mistakes. Yikes! Am I ignoring some parts of my life? Balance is such an important part of life! Just like you wouldn’t want to go to school for 12 hours a day, spending every night and weekend on cheerleading can be exhausting. If you find that you’re totally ignoring part of your life, then you may have too much on your plate. Making time for your studies, your friends, and even your own hobbies is important to making sure you’re leading a balanced life. Am I rushing everyday tasks? Okay, so speeding through a set of math problems isn’t the biggest problem if it happens once or twice. But if you’re always speeding through life to get to the next thing, it’s possible you simply have too much going on. Feeling like you’re constantly in a rush can be super stressful and not very fun. How to Deal

Okay, so you may not be able to cut back on everything right away. But there are a few tricks you can try to regain your time for yourself. Practice saying “no.” People who are way overbooked may have problems with turning down new tasks. But when you say yes to everything that comes your way, you may get in over your head. Instead of saying “yes” right away, either turn down the opportunity, ask if you can still do it later, or (our favorite trick!) say you need to look at your calendar first before you say yes. Then you’ll really know if you can commit. Don’t multitask. If you’re literally trying to juggle homework, cheerleading, your friends, and your hobbies, you may be less efficient. Try doing one thing at a time and doing it well. Pick your priorities. You know you can’t do everything. But how do you decide what’s most important? Try making a list and putting it in order. You may find that the extra dance classes or babysitting work just aren’t that important. Cut out the less important stuff and focus on what matters most to you. Get help! If you’re really in over your head, talk to somebody! Your parents, a guidance counselor, or your coach can help you find balance in your life. It can help to “talk it out” with somebody who may have strategies you can use to make your days less busy. Everybody has a week or two where they feel like they just can’t do one more thing. But if that busy-ness becomes a permanent feature in your life, it’s time to make some changes. So take a deep breath, stay positive, and try these tips!


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