The Cheerleader's Best Asset - A Perfect Smile


We all know that being a varsity cheerleader requires a lot of dedication and hard work. Cheerleading squads around the country practice stunting, intricate maneuvers, and the latest choreography - all of which takes a vast amount of precision. To maintain a place on the squad, you have to be in top physical condition and your grades have to stay up, as well. What you might not think about right away is your smile. A cheerleader's smile is her best asset. Practice and dedication make your routine look effortless, but your smile lets the crowd and judges know that you're having the time of your life. The last thing you need is to be self-conscious about your teeth.



































































































Top Tips To Maintain That Great Smile: Stores and advertising are full of products designed to whiten teeth, but they don't tell you that some of these products might damage your enamel. We don't recommend using any whitening product unless your dentist recommends it for you. Here are some tips to keep your teeth white and healthy, naturally:


  • Hygiene. This sounds simple, but the truth is that a lot of people brush their teeth but don't floss or don't brush thoroughly enough to get teeth clean properly. You should be brushing your teeth for three minutes, every time. Make sure to brush fronts, backs, and tops of each tooth. You should also floss once a day,
  • Water. Water is the best drink for overall health. Drinking enough water in the day will also help you cut down on sugary drinks or drinks high in acid.
  • Limit Sports Drinks and Soda. Everyone knows that soda is bad for teeth, but sports drinks are also loaded with sugar that sits on your tooth's surface and speeds decay. If you do have a sports drink or pop, we recommend brushing after or at least rinsing your mouth with water to keep some of the damage at bay.
  • Regular Cleanings. See your dentist twice a month for regular cleanings and check ups. The hygienist can get any stain off that you're not getting with regular brushing.
  • Avoid Coffee. Drinking coffee will stain teeth, even with careful cleaning because brushing alone won't remove all of the stain. If you're going to drink coffee, it's important you brush thoroughly soon after.

Those are some of our top tips. If your teeth still seem like they're not white enough, talk with your dentist about options. There are safe cleaning treatments they can recommend if they think your smile might need them.


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