Do You Have Spirit? Tips For Trying Out for Cheerleading


Trying out for a cheerleading squad is exciting, but it can also be very nerve-wracking! All kinds of questions are probably going through your mind. “What kind of jumps do I need to know? Do I need to prepare a cheer routine before trying out? What if I can’t do a split?”

First things first, relax! Trying out for the squad can be stressful, but it should also be really fun and give you an idea of what it’s like to be a real cheerleader.

If you are friends with any cheerleaders who currently are on the squad or have been in the past, talk to them and ask what tryouts were like for them. Even if you don’t know any current or former cheerleaders to ask, find out who the coach of the squad is and speak to her as soon as you have a chance. Ask questions about what tryouts are usually like. What kind of jumps should you know ahead of time? How long will tryouts last, and will you perform individually or in groups? Should you come prepared with your own cheer or routine?

Be sure also to ask questions about the cheerleading squad’s usual performances so you’ll know what to expect should you make the team. Does the squad perform dance routines? Does the squad do pyramids or tosses? What is the recommended fitness level for a cheerleader? How often does the cheerleading squad practice, and how long is the usual cheer season? What kind of financial commitment is expected? You’ll need to know ahead of time if your parents can afford the costs for uniforms or other necessities.

Once you have some idea of what to expect during tryouts and what’s expected of cheerleaders during the cheer season, you can focus on practicing in the weeks leading up to tryouts. Check YouTube for videos of cheers or jumps that you can practice at home. A full-length mirror will be very helpful while you practice for cheerleading tryouts because it will allow you to see yourself as you perform. Take note of your posture during jumps. Are your legs extended as far as they should be? Can you touch your toes when you do toe touches? Are your toes pointed when you jump?

Also pay attention to your face. Remember to smile while cheering. A cheerleader should look happy and excited, which will make the audience watching her happy and excited, so a smile is very important while cheering. Practice smiling while performing the cheers to make sure you smile at tryouts.

If you aren’t already on some kind of fitness routine, look into starting one to get yourself into shape. Cheerleaders perform a lot of jumps and need a lot of energy to keep up the pep during games. Even cheerleaders who aren’t flyers—the ones who get boosted or tossed into the air—need a lot of strength to serve as bases and keep the flyers safe.

When tryout day finally arrives, be sure to get a good night’s sleep and plenty to eat before trying out. The last thing you want is to yawn right in the middle of a cheer routine! You’ll also be able to focus better if you’ve had a good meal and aren’t hungry while performing the cheers. Pay close attention to any routines or cheers that the current cheerleaders show you, but don’t panic if you can’t remember them right away. Most likely you’ll have the chance to practice the cheers before you actually try out.

Most importantly, just remember to have fun! A cheerleader’s job is to have fun and fill the crowd with pep and spirit. Smile, speak loudly and clearly with some pep in your tone, and perform the cheer routines with confidence.


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