Basic Cheerleading Moves


Now that you have decided to become a cheerleader, you'll need to know some of the basic moves that will get you on the cheerleading squad. As you practice, keep in mind that you want your moves to be sharp, your positions strong, and always wear a smile!


Some of the basic cheer moves include:

  • The High V. Your arms will end up at 45 degree angles from your head, with your hands balled into fists. Create a V with your two arms.

  • The Low V. With your thumbs facing out and pinkies back, extend your arms down at a 45 degree angle from your body.

  • The Touchdown. Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart. Lift your arms up above your head in two straight lines. Let your arms touch your ears and keep your arms straight.

  • Daggers. With your elbows bent, bring your arms in close to your body. Keep your elbows pointed to the floor and fists pointing up, knuckles facing out.

  • The Punch. Put one arm straight up, with your hand in a fist. Rest your other hand on your hip, bunched up in a fist, with the elbow bent out at your side.


While you are practicing, remember to keep your lines straight. Keep your arms straight and don't forget to not bend your wrists. Work your core muscles through an exercise routine to give you the power you need to jump, and move quickly. The sharper your movements are, the better you will look as a cheerleader. Cheering takes time, practice, and more practice. You can become a better cheerleader by working out regularly. Keep your muscles strong so that you can complete cheering routines with ease. Understand that you won't get all the moves right the first time. Pay attention to what you are doing and ask friends to offer you tips on what you could do better. As you prepare to try out for a cheering squad, know the basic moves listed above and keep practicing the moves until you have them done perfectly.


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