DIY Skin Masks


Being a cheerleader is not only a sport or extracurricular activity, but it's an entire lifestyle! Part of this includes taking care of your body and your health. When you take care of yourself, you're able to perform better for your cheerleading squad. Look your best both on and off the mat by taking care of your skin. All of the makeup from competition and sweating you do at practice can have a negative effect on your skin, so it's important to nurture your skin in your off-time. One way to take care of your skin at home is by making your own do it yourself skin mask! Making your own skincare products is not only a great way to save some serious money, but it's also a lot of fun to whip together ingredients and come up with an all-natural DIY beauty product during a girls night in! Unlike the expensive masks and scrubs you'll find in stores, making these at home not only lets you control what ingredients go into the mix, but you can also customize it to suit your exact skin care needs. Plus, this can be a super fun activity if you have some of your fellow varsity cheerleaders over for a night of cheer squad bonding! Ingredients: The first step is finding the right ingredients. Many of them are probably in your kitchen right now, but you might have to look in a health-food store, GNC, or in an specialty market to find some of the more unusual items. DIY Mask Recipes: To help give you a head-start into the world of DIY skin care, here are some quick and easy recipes that target the three most common skin problems that young women face: acne-prone skin, irritated/sensitive skin and clogged pores. Oily/Acne-Prone Skin Ingredients: 2 TBSP bentonite clay (gently pulls out impurities and oil from the deeper parts of your skin) 1/4 ripe, chilled banana (oil-absorbing and the potassium helps shrink pores) 1 TBSP apple cider vinegar OR 1 TBSP tomato juice (astringents, use the tomato juice if your skin is sensitive) Optional: ¼ TSP tea-tree oil (a powerful anti-microbial that can help prevent future breakouts) Mash the banana into a paste and blend in the bentonite clay until it has a consistency like thick batter. Add in the vinegar or tomato juice and apply immediately to your face. Leave on for 10 minutes and wash off in warm, not hot, water. If you're using the tea-tree oil, do a skin-test first to see if it doesn't cause irritation. Irritated or Sunburned Skin Ingredients: 2 TBSP finely chopped cucumber (chill it in the refrigerator first for extra soothing power)

about 2 TBSP cup strong chamomile tea (reduces inflammation and is a mild astringent) 3 TBSP plain yogurt (the lactic acid helps heal damaged skin and it provides gentle moisture that won't clog your pores) Mix the cucumber and yogurt together and blend smooth. Slowly add in the chamomile tea until the mix has the consistency of thick honey. Let it chill in the refrigerator for 20 minutes before applying. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and rinse off in cool water. This mix can last in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Deep-cleansing for Clogged Pores Ingredients: 2 TBSP medium-ground, uncooked oatmeal (a gentle exfoliant don't use instant oatmeal because it will absorb the liquids too quickly) 1 TBSP pineapple or papaya juice (both have enzymes that soften the skin and are a mild astringent) ½ TSP camellia oil (simultaneously reduces oil and hydrates) Combine the three ingredients in a bowl and apply a small amount to your face by rubbing it in circles for a minute or two. Wipe it off with a towel (don't rinse with water) and apply the rest of the mix as a mask. Leave it on until it dries and becomes hard (about 20 minutes), and then wash off with warm water.


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